About CDWeb Version details

To view the CDWeb version details, do the following:

  1. Click the ' ? ' button in the top right hand corner of the screen and then click the 'About' option from the drop-down menu.

  1. This will display the About screen.

Version : This is the current version of the software that is being used. If there are any issues found in the software, then this Version number will need to be quoted to assist the Support team.

Phone : These are the direct dial numbers to the Tikit Support team in the UK and US. Alternatively the UK main reception can be contacted on: T: +44 20 7400 3737.

Website : Click on the link to launch the Tikit website.

Email Tikit Support : Click the Email Tikit Support link to launch an email, the Tikit Support address helpdesk@tikit.com is pre-filled if Support is required.

Delete local storage data : This is a quick way to clear the web browsers cache, rather than having to do this directly in the browser settings. Users may want to do this where there has been a new version installed.