Add a Personal Dictionary Item

The Personal Dictionary is a list of words that have either been manually added via the ADD button at the top of this form or, they are added via the Add To Dictionary option when spell checking a time entry NarrativeThe narrative is a text field that will allow you to enter details about the time entry. This field will accept alpha, numeric ansd some special characters, as well as applying Glossary terms and the spell-check function. It may be that the firm has set this as a compulsory field.. The Personal Dictionary list allows users to add, edit and delete words. It is restricted to a single word, though these can contain a hyphen and / or an apostrophe.

ClosedAdding a Word in the Personal Dictionary

To add a word in the Personal Dictionary, do the following:

  1. From the Navigation menu select: Tools > Spell Check.

  1. The Spell-check form is then displayed and defaults to the Preferences tab. Complete the steps below to add a new word to your personal dictionary.

Personal dictionary tab : Click on the Personal Dictionary tab to select it and display the add, edit and delete functions.

Add field : Click in the field containing the temporary text Add a new dictionary entry. This will enable the field and highlight the border in blue to show it is active. Enter the word you wish to add to your personal dictionary.

SAVE buttons : To save the dictionary item, click the SAVE button. Alternatively...

CANCEL button : To cancel adding the new dictionary item, click the CANCEL button.

ClosedAdding a Word Via the Spell Checker Process

To add a new word to the list while using the spell checker function within a narrative field, do the following:

Once the narrative has been completely entered, click the Spell Check button to run the spell checker. (Alternatively select the time entries in the timesheet and run the spell check option from the pop-up menu, to expand those entries that contain unrecognised words).

Any word that is unrecognised will be highlighted as red text. Left mouse click over each word to display a list of suggested words.

Where the word is actually correctly spelt, click the Add to dictionary option in the pop-up spell checker options.

This word is then added to the Personal Dictionary.