Edit a Time Entry

  1. From the Navigation menu select: Time > Day.

Editing Time entries can be processed from several screens within CDWeb:

  1. Day view, Week view, CalendarViewThis view will display the timesheet in a chronological order. It holds all of the same functions as the standard Day view but offers alternative methods for Merging time entries. You can also drag items to increase / decrease the duration.
  2. Custom Select - Time list
  3. ClientThis is the person for whom you are working on behalf of and has agreed to your terms of engagement. MatterThis is the type of engagement that the client has agreed for you to complete for them. Such as Family matters, Conveyancing, Wills, Deeds and Trusts etc. Tab > Time list

It is possible to quick edit the Duration and the NarrativeThe narrative is a text field that will allow you to enter details about the time entry. This field will accept alpha, numeric ansd some special characters, as well as applying Glossary terms and the spell-check function. It may be that the firm has set this as a compulsory field. for a Time entry directly in the view.

To quick edit the duration, do the following:

  1. Click the decrement button (-) to reduce the amount of time recorded.
  2. Click the increment button (+) to increase the amount of time recorded.

For each click the duration will adjust according to the rounding rules applied.

To quick edit the Narrative, do the following:

  1. Click in the Narrative field. This will expand the field and where appropriate display a scroll bar.

  1. Once the narrative has been edited, click the SAVE button in the narrative field.

The Narrative can be edited to:

  1. Modify the existing details
  2. Add additional content
  3. Delete or partially delete existing content.

However, where the narrative is edited it must comply to the narrative settings (and rules where defined) in AdminWeb Client. Where these do no comply, then the time entry status may change to INCOMPLETE. In this instance click the EDIT button to view the Narrative validation notification.

Once the narrative changes are complete, they will need to be saved by clicking the SAVE button in the narrative field.

To edit anything else, click the EDIT button in the time entry row.

Clicking the EDIT button will launch the Edit time form, and will allow you to edit all fields for that entry.

ClosedEditing the Date

  1. The date for the time entry can be edited within the Edit time form, by clicking on the EDIT button for the required time entry.

  1. Now click on the Calendar button in the top left hand corner of the form.

  1. This will display the browsers default calendar picker, as such, process may differ between browsers.

>>> >>> >>>

Select the required date for the time entry to be moved to. In all instances, clicking on the required date should close the Calendar picker and update the date displayed in the edit time form, to show the newly selected date.

Make any further changes if required before committing this change.

ClosedEditing the Duration

The duration can be edited for the time entry form by doing one of the following:

Decrement button : (blue button with a minus icon to the left of the duration value) Clicking this button will reduce the duration in increments of time accordingly. This will be set at either matter, client, timekeeperThis is the person who is working on behalf of the client. They are also known as a Fee Earner. or global level. The system administrator will be able to advise further.

Increment button : (blue button with a plus icon tot he right of the duration value) Clicking this button will increase the duration in increments of time accordingly. This will be set at either matter, client, timekeeper or global level. The system administrator will be able to advise further.

Grid picker : Select a specific duration of time by selecting from the Grid picker. This is done by clicking the Clock button to the right of the Increment duration button. A pop-up grid will be displayed with pre-defined durations, clicking on the required duration will close the grid and populate the duration field. This duration can then be decremented or incremented if required. The grid will show increments of time according to the rounding rules that have been applied at either matter, client, timekeeper or global level. The system administrator will be able to advise further.

Duration field : Manually Enter the required duration of time by clicking in the Duration field, delete the existing value and type the required one. Ensure that this is done by applying the correct format, e.g. HH:MM, HH.mm or Units. Where rounding has been applied at either matter, client, timekeeper or global level, the value entered may change on saving or submitting the time entry.

Make any further changes if required before committing this change.

ClosedEditing the client matter

  1. In the Day view, click the edit button for the time entry that requires the client matter to be changed.

  1. Where the time entry was created in error for the wrong client matter, then selecting an alternative from the pick-list will cause all linked UDFUser Defined Fields. These are the fields that are defined by the firm and are configured in AdminWeb by the system administrator.'s to be reset to blank. (all other details will be retained). Click on each of the ellipsis buttons as required to select an alternative option from the pick-list.

  1. Each UDF may need to be re-selected from the pick-list, where a change to the either the client or matter has changed. Do this until all required data has been selected.
  2. Make any further changes if required before saving these changes.

ClosedEditing a single UDF

It is possible to edit a single UDF, however some UDF's may cause other fields to lose their current selection as they are displayed as part of a hierarchy of dependent fields.

For example:

  • The firm may define 2 fields Country and City. It may be configured that the City field is only displayed once the Country has been selected.