Basic Spell Check the Narrative

To spellcheck the narrative within the Add or Edit time form in any supported view, do the following:

  1. Enter a narrativeThe narrative is a text field that will allow you to enter details about the time entry. This field will accept alpha, numeric ansd some special characters, as well as applying Glossary terms and the spell-check function. It may be that the firm has set this as a compulsory field. and then click the spellcheck button in the Narrative field.

  1. If there are any unrecognised words, they will be highlighted in red and a notification will pop-up in the top right hand corner to advise that a manual check must be made.

  1. Correct any unrecognised words using the built in dictionary. The dictionary is accessed by left mouse clicking over the unrecognised word, a pop-up list of suggested corrections is displayed, as well as the options to Ignore or to Add to dictionary.

  1. Once the corrections are applied, click the save button in the Narrative field.