Create a Worklist item from a Nickname Item

Users / Timekeepers can share their NicknameNicknames are configured in Tools > Nicknames. They allow you to pre-populate a client matter for regularly used time recording entries. They can be fully or partially populated, though there is no narritive defined so you can do this at the point of recording time. You can also use a nickname item to create a Worklist item. list with other users where they may be working on shared client matters.

To create a Worklist item from a Nickname item, do the following:

  1. From the Navigation menu select: Tools > Nicknames.

  1. The Nickname form is then displayed.

  1. Click on the STAR button for the nickname that you wish to create a WorklistWorklist items are defined in Tools > Worklist > Management. They allow you to setup a pre-populated time recording entry for regularly used client matters. They also allow you to define a narrative so you can simply enter time by selecting a worklist item and a duration with no other need to select details for the time entry. item from. This will automatically add a new Worklist item to your current list, with the client matter details that have been set in the Nickname.
  2. Where a star button is selected, you can also delete the Worklist here by clicking on the gold star. Where configured in Confirmation and Notification, a confirmation pop-up will be displayed to accept or reject the deletion.

  1. Click Yes to confirm the deletion, or click No to reject it and retain the Worklist item.