Delete a Nickname Item

To delete a Nickname, do the following: (must be the current User or Timekeeper name set as the owner)

  1. From the Navigation menu select: Tools > Nicknames.

  1. The NicknameNicknames are configured in Tools > Nicknames. They allow you to pre-populate a client matter for regularly used time recording entries. They can be fully or partially populated, though there is no narritive defined so you can do this at the point of recording time. You can also use a nickname item to create a Worklist item. form is then displayed. Complete the steps below to delete the nickname item.

  1. Scroll or page through the Nicknames list to locate the Nickname that is to be deleted.
  2. Click the Delete button for the selected item to delete the entry (see image above). Where configured in Settings > Confirmation and Notifications a confirmation notification will be displayed to acknowledge or reject the deletion. Click Yes to confirm, or No to reject the deletion.
  Where a notification is not configured the deletion will happen immediately.
  1. Confirming the deletion will refresh the list and delete the Nickname from the list. Rejecting the deletion will retain the entry in your list.