This will open the Recall Time topic in a new tab This will open the Recall Time topic in a new tab This will open the Recall Time topic in a new tab This will open the Recall Time topic in a new tab This will open the Recall Time topic in a new tab This will open the Recall Time topic in a new tab

Timesheet Week View

Where the header option is not displayed it can be enabled in: Settings > Device Specific Configuration > Time tab by selecting the check box option: 'Show timesheet header' and saving the changes.


Use the Week view to quick time record against other time entries made earlier in the week. This will then add a new time entry to the Day view accordingly.

The Day view is the default view on launching where you have not configured the CalendarViewThis view will display the timesheet in a chronological order. It holds all of the same functions as the standard Day view but offers alternative methods for Merging time entries. You can also drag items to increase / decrease the duration. to be your default CD Web. To view the Week view, do the following:

  1. From the Navigation menu select: Time > Week. (Or click the WEEK button from the Day / Month views).

  1. This will display the Week view.

Date picker : You can scroll week by week by clicking on the < > buttons. You can also select an alternative week by clicking on the Calendar button and making a selection from the pop-up calendar picker.

Switch view buttons : If you wish to change the view away from the Calendar view, click either the DAY or MONTH buttons.

Timekeeper picker : By default the current timekeeperThis is the person who is working on behalf of the client. They are also known as a Fee Earner. is selected and the view shows their week view. You can view an alternative timekeeper's week view list, click on the drop-down button and select the relevant timekeeper name from the list.

Show : By default this is set to All entries. You can change this to show only specific time entries by their status type. In addition you can also select, All open entries or All entries that are Non forecast timeTime in the future that has not yet happened but is planned. This will assist you in forward planning your work and lets your manager know when you are available. Forecast time can be converted into a Time entry when the work is completed. entries. To select an alternative option, click the ellipsis button, then click on the required option to select it. The view will then refresh and show the view as selected.

Sort by : By default this is set to Duration. You can also sort the view by client matter or status. To change the view, click the ellipsis button and click on the required option to select it. The view will then refresh and sort the view as selected.

Order : Click this button if you wish to change the order, either ascending or descending in order.

 Billable status : By default this is set to All entries. You can change the view to only show your time entries that are either billable or non-billable. To change the view, click the ellipsis button and click on the required option to select it. The view will then refresh to only display the applicable entries.

Refresh : If you wish to refresh the week view, simply click the refresh button. This will also reset the auto refresh timer that is displayed. The auto refresh timer is set by the system administrator.

Find worklist item : If you wish to add time in the week view you can use the WorklistWorklist items are defined in Tools > Worklist > Management. They allow you to setup a pre-populated time recording entry for regularly used client matters. They also allow you to define a narrative so you can simply enter time by selecting a worklist item and a duration with no other need to select details for the time entry. items to assist in quick time recording (where you have configured worklist items, this is done in: Tools > Worklist > Worklist Management. If you know the Worklist item you can manually type into the field and it will automatically filter your list to show any matching items. Alternatively, click the ellipsis button to display your list of Worklist items in the pick-list. Click on the required item to select it.

Where you do not wish to use a worklist item, or you do not have any configured, you can simply use the duration and ADD TIME or FORECAST time buttons to add time in this view.

Duration fields : If you wish to enter the durations for your time entry within the week view, you can click in the relevant day's duration fields and enter the time value. This must be in the correct format as defined in your Settings > Calendar, date & time. Alternatively you can complete this step in the ADD TIME or FORECAST time forms by leaving these fields blank within this view.

ADD TIME button : The ADD TIME button can be clicked independently of selecting a Worklist item and / or defining any durations in the week view. Where this is done, the Add Time form is opened but it will display 7 duration fields so that you can add the time entry for the week.

ClosedView the Add time in Week view form details:

Duration fields : The selected field is highlighted with a blue border when you click your cursor in it. Enter the duration in each duration field for the week as required in the correct format (HH:MM / Decimal e.g. 0.1 / Units).

Nickname : Where you have client matters configured as a nicknameNicknames are configured in Tools > Nicknames. They allow you to pre-populate a client matter for regularly used time recording entries. They can be fully or partially populated, though there is no narritive defined so you can do this at the point of recording time. You can also use a nickname item to create a Worklist item. and you wish to record the time entry from one of those items, click the ellipsis button to display the pick-list and select the required nickname from the list. This will populate the client, matter and UDFUser Defined Fields. These are the fields that are defined by the firm and are configured in AdminWeb by the system administrator.'s according to the nickname item. It may be that the nickname is only partially configured and as such you will need to complete the mandatory fields (those marked with a *). See step 3 below.

Client / Matter & UDF's : Where you have not selected a Worklist or Nickname item to create the time entry, click each of the required ellipsis buttons to display the pick-list, then click on the required entry to select it. Where a field is marked with a *, then these are required before you can submit the time entries.

Timekeeper : By default the current user is selected. Should you wish to record the time for an alternative timekeeper, click the ellipsis button to display the timekeeper pick-list (who you have access ), then click on the required name to select it.

Narrative : In most cases a narrativeThe narrative is a text field that will allow you to enter details about the time entry. This field will accept alpha, numeric ansd some special characters, as well as applying Glossary terms and the spell-check function. It may be that the firm has set this as a compulsory field. will be required. Click in the field to enter your description, it could be that a narrative is auto-populated. Once complete, click the Spell Check button and correct any unrecognised works.

Show more options : This section may show any fields that you have defined in Settings > Device Specific Configuration as Secondary fields. Click the expand button to display these fields. See step 3 above for further information to complete these fields.

 CANCEL button : Where you do not want to save this time entry, click the CANCEL button to close the form and return to the Week view.

SUBMIT ENTRY button : Where you have completed the time entry and you wish to submit it, click the SUBMIT ENTRY button. This will submit your time where it passes validation, where validation fails it will be saved to your week view list with a status of Incomplete. You will need to edit the time entry to correct any missing data.

SAVE button : If you wish to save your time entry without submitting it, click the SAVE button. This will close the form and save your time entry to the week view list. It will be saved with a status of either Incomplete or Ready according to the firms validation rules.

FORECAST button : Just like the ADD TIME button the FORECAST button can be used alongside the Worklist item's and the duration fields in the Week view. However you can simply click the FORECAST button and complete the form in the same manner as the Add Time form. In this instance though you cannot submit your time entry, it can only be saved with a status of Forecast or you can cancel the time entry and close the form. See step 11 above to complete the form fields.

If you enter time in the past using this method, those time entries will be saved to another row in the week view list, with a status of either Incomplete or Ready. Only future entries will be saved as Forecast entries. For example:

  • Assuming today is Tuesday at 5pm and I add time for the week from Monday to Friday:
  • The time entries for: Monday and Tuesday, will be displayed in a different row with a status of Incomplete or Ready.
  • Those entries that are in the future: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, will be displayed in their own row with a status of Forecast.

Select entry check-box : If you select one or more entries by clicking the individual check-boxes, a pop-up menu will be displayed so that you can do the following: (Click on the buttons to jump to the relevant topic).

The CANCEL button will simply close the pop-up menu and deselect the selected check-boxes in the week view list.

Edit button : If you have saved a time entry and you need to edit it, click the Edit button. This will expand the time entry in the week view. You can then add, remove or change any of the details in the edit form. Any time entries that are marked as Incomplete or Ready can be edited and then you can submit the entry or simply save it. If you click the CANCEL button it will retain the original details of the entry and close the form. Any time entries that are submitted from the edit form will only be submitted where they pass validation. Any entries that do not pass validation, will be marked as Incomplete in the week view list and you will need to edit those entries again before you can re-submit it.

Time recorded : Duration fields : This is the time that has been recorded so far for the time entry. You can add, remove or edit these values directly within the week view list. To do this, click in the duration field(s) that you wish to edit and enter the required duration. Now TAB out of the field to display the Save and Cancel buttons. Click the Save button to save your changes, or click the Cancel button to retain the original duration(s). The image below shows that a duration has been entered for Thursday, on tabbing out of the field the Save and Cancel buttons are displayed to the right of the Total duration figure.

Narrative : Just as you can edit the duration for a time entry in the week view list, you can also edit the Narrative in the same way. Simply click into the Narrative field and the field will expand. Edit the current narrative or enter one where the field is empty, then spell-check it.

Once the spell-check has completed the Save and Edit buttons are displayed. Click the Save button to save your changes, or click the Edit button to activate the field again, allowing you to make further edits.

SELECT ALL button : Click this button if you wish to select all of the entries in the week view list to display the pop-up menu. See step 13 above for more details.

SUBMIT ALL button : If you wish to submit all of the time entries in your week view list click the SUBMIT ALL button. On clicking the button all entries that have not been submitted will be captured and a submission will be attempted. Any entries that are marked as Incomplete or Ready will be captured in this process. Where configured in Settings > Confirmation & notification a green pop-up message will be displayed to advise how many entries were successful and unsuccessful.

RECALL ALL button : Only those entries that are marked as Submitted can be recalled, those marked as Transferred cannot be recalled. To recall all of your submitted time entries in the week view list, click the RECALL ALL button. Where configured in Settings > Confirmation & notification a green pop-up message will be displayed to advise how many entries were successfully recalled.

Weekly totals : This section of the week view is for information purposes and will show the totals by status. Where enabled in Settings > General settings > User preferences, the billable values will also be displayed.